Laser Vein Therapy
Laser Vein Therapy
Are you struggling with mild to severely inflamed veins and blood vessels? Laser Vein Therapy helps reduce the appearance of spider veins on the face and body by gently heating the vein wall, where the body then reabsorbs it. Regain your confidence and health with a laser vein treatment. Our medical experts have years of experience providing laser vein removal treatments. We use an advanced noninvasive technique to reduce the appearance of spider veins. We offer laser vein removal using the Cynosure MPX elite laser technology. This laser system is a gold standard for treating leg veins.
Treatment Benefits
- Noninvasive laser treatment with no general anesthesia
- Minimal to no downtime
- Produces nos cars
- An affordable option
The Treatment
We examine your medical condition during the procedure and determine if you’re a candidate for laser vein removal treatment. The advanced Cynosure MPX Elite laser is used, and the laser light is directed at the targeted area. The procedure takes ten to twenty minutes when treating blood vessels in the facial area. The heat from the laser destroys the engorged vein and seals the tissue. This results in blood flow reduction for the vein and reabsorbs by the body. Your veins will gradually shrink until they completely diminish. You’ll get visible improvements in the area treated after only one session.
Which areas are treated?
The common areas we treat include small vessels on the face near the nose and cheeks.
When will I see the results?
Most patients see the results a few months after treatment. You may see significant improvement within two to six weeks after treatment.
How long do results last?
You’ll get permanent results from your laser vein removal treatment. Once your veins are closed by the laser procedure, they won’t reappear, and the veins will gradually fade.
Are there side effects?
Yes. You might get redness, swelling, and pigmentation. These symptoms subside within a few days.
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